LazizNU and Poroz Send 12 Containers of Aid to Palestinians

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Basic necessities, hygiene and health care assistance from NU Care-Institutions Amil Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah Nahdlatul Ulama (LazizNU) and amil zakat institutions belonging to the Association of Zakat Managing Organizations (Poroz) have been launched for Palestinians.

“Alhamdulillah, on Friday, September 20, 2024, LazizNU together with the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Jordania-Palestine and 6 other LAZ Poroz members, released grain aid and hygiene packges of 12 containers from the humanitarian aid warehouse located in Zarqa, Jordan towards Palestine. Hopefully this help can soon reach and be received by the Palestinian people,” said NU Care-LazisNU PBNU Director Qohari Cholil in remarks received in Jakarta on Saturday.

He explained some of the relief items that will be delivered in the form of basic necessities and medical equipment to the Palestinian people.

“Aid in the form of hygiene kits and basic necessities was delivered directly using 12 containers, consisting of 8 containers of grain, and 4 containers of hygiene kits,” Qohari said.

The Deputy Chairman of LazizNU PBNU mentioned that the total aid delivered was worth Rp5 billion, with assistance from NU Care-LazizNU worth a total of Rp 1.5 billion.

If there are no obstacles, the aid will be acceptable to the Palestinian people in Gaza within a month, given that there is an inspection process and administrative queues.

In the same statement, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Jordan and Palestine Ade Padmo Sarwono expressed his appreciation to the delegation that had initiated the delivery of this aid.

“This is a real manifestation of Indonesian solidarity and concern for the suffering of the Palestinian people,” Ade Padmo Sarwono said.

It also stressed the importance of good coordination between Poroz, the Embassy, and various relevant parties in Jordan and Palestine. It aims to ensure that such aid can be channelled smoothly.

The ambassador reminded of the importance of maintaining security and vigilance during the distribution process in a region that is still very vulnerable to conflict.

sumber : Antara

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